March 9, 2009

Best Fishin Outing Ever..

Last Saturday morning (early morning) Arip, Aizat n me , we went down to Watson Bay for weekends fishing outing like usual. itz a normal routine tht turn out to be one hell of superb experience for all of us..wooohooo!!

We arrived there bout 1.40am in the morning n start casting our bait.the weather tht nite is perfect wif rising tide, clear sky wif 3/4 fullmoon, calm breeze and sea is flat wif crytal clear water..waa.. always a gud sign for gud catch..

Just less than 20minutes, Arip cought his biggest catch so far . Itz a Red Morwong or sumtimes refer as Sea Carp. itz a xciting moment not only for himself but it spark n boost our morale for the nite..ewah!
for the next 3hours after Arip catch, we got some preatttty decent bite but to bad the line snap and some get cought wif rock n seaweed. hovewer tht dun let us dun cos at least we noe tht there's fish tonite biting our rod got a pull, quite strong for the 1st bite then it slowly decreased..mmm..from my experience this could be a puffer fish..i said to my fren i just wanna cut off the line but they insist me to get it on the ground 1st..

then to my surprise, it was a Moray Eel..hampeh!!
itz quite huge eel. but lucky for it as it is dangerous to be eaten due to high toxin or not, "selamat r aku buat Unagi Teriyaki" (even some species have toxin mucus covering itz scaleless skin which is dangerous to touch) After tht i just cut off my line n set a new hook.

about 40minutes after tht, while i was checking my other rod (i always bring 2 rod to increase my chance=P ), suddently my other rod was lifted to the air by huge pull. lucky aizat was closeby n quickly hold my rod or otherwise i might lose my rod (this is my new rod).

while playing wif this 1, i never experienced such a strong pull. i already tighten my reel but it still have the power to pull my line.waa..must be a biggie here said myself. i tried losen the reel so tht the line wont snap..while i trying to pull this 1 off, Aizat wif a torchlight trying to see the fish shouting itz a biggie. i can saw it, huge but kindda flat..what itz it?? mmm... a Flounder (ikan sebelah) perhaps? but thts to bit for a Flounder..then..heheheh!

Itz a Stingray!! a Cowtail Stingray!! no wonder itz so strong. i heard before tht stingray itz very strong chalenger. hehehe!
since we dun have hook tht nite ( actually we dun have any since we never got big catch) i have to use my pail to took the stingy off the water. i must said tht im really scared cos knowing itz got poisonous sting at the back itz tail..

Then bout less 1 hour after tht, Aizat cought his biggest catch to date. wow! a massive Catfish.. what a catfish in the sea?? yup! i'm also surpised! but itz called Estuary Catfish aka South Australia Catfish.after all 3 big catch, one for each of us, we all a hapi man. just before we pack our stuff, a school of fish passed thru us for about 20seconds wif average 1foot size each. i'm nt sure wheater it is toilor or small kingfish. but for sure, we will come back ASAP to catch those fish.. perhaps this weekends!! yeah!!

Here some of pics tht we took later @ our home using decent camera (my Canon 400D).
noticed how long itz the Cobbler. Aizat actually is the tallest in our home so u can imagined how long n big is the Cobbler.
See how big the Stingray is..itz huge tho!! (i myself is quite big guy for Malay dude)we found 4 small stingray in the stingray..i felt bad bout this. if i know itz pregnant, for sure wif out hesitation i will let it got ASAP..i'm sorry stingy..i am...=("proses siang ikan" this is my 1st "siang" catfish. bagak nak mampos lak tu!! thanks to Penn utility knife i just bought, itz was razor sharp n make the cutting easy..cewah!!


liyana said...

cian nyer anak ikan pari tuh..dikau xperasan ke perot ibu ikan pari tuh dah memboyot..ihihi


liyana menurut cerita diaorg perasan perot ibu pari tu meboyot, ditekan-tekan perotnya shg keluar sesuatu yang di anggap "tahi" hahahha ichi sila ceritakan

Btw eel tu sungguh menjijikkka, macam lintah la, geliiii

Ichi said...

liyana: mase nak naikkn ikan pari tu, dh nampak kembung perut, pastu ingat iye telan air as mechanism utk melawan ke ape (cos aritu ikan buntal camtu) bile dh mati, kiteorg tekan2 je la perut iye..ingatkn ape, ropenye anak nya yg cumil kluar..cian sgt..heheh

Khairiyah aka Kerry said...

haiyooooo smpi mcm tu ka..ingtkan ms siang tu ke dpt anak ikan tu..ditekan2 upenye..huhuh
ichi best giler fishing kat situuuu..
i love fishiing tooo tp takot bila nk tanggalkan kail dr ikan.hahah
nway,nice catch!best2
lama nye tak fishing..huuu

Ichi said...

Kerry: Arip la my hosemate main tekan2 perut die.buat2 chomel, alih2 anak yg kuar..hehehe!
Kerry takut kene ngap jari wif ikan ke, or geli ikan nie.hehe! wan pun pkai playar cabut hook..risau woo tgn kene ngap ke ape..hehehe

Dee said...

urghh.. da eel looks so disgusting la che wan.haha

*wink wink* said... stingray..soo pathetic.. =(

Liyana Safra Zaabar said...

leh masuk 0 en seikatsu ni

Ichi said...

Dee: agax iye super ganas

Fazida: tu la psl..i felt bad about it but itz too late

Liyana:wah!! bulih ker?? hehehe!!

Anonymous said...

ape lg pos la pada gw. leh gw barbeque kn si pari itu.

TapirBest said...

what an awesome catch!! Bet they're delicious!

逆円助 said...


精神年齢 said...


家出 said...


動物占い said...


家出 said...


セレブラブ said...


夏フェス!! said...

夏フェス一緒に行ってくれる人募集!!夏の思い出一緒につくろぉ☆ 連絡してね♪

無料ゲーム said...


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出会い系 said...


逆援助 said...


友達募集 said...


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